Thursday, October 23, 2008

What the Hell???

Alright. Before we get started let's talk a little about the culinary school I went to. It sucked. Now let me define sucked. The instructors were great, I had a lot of fun, I made the dean's list, had perfect attendance, that's how much I liked being there. Now the Darth Vader darkside of the school, "the financial department". This is what I could not believe. First off my idea of people going to school is to improve their quality of life i.e. pay, location, get out of debt, which the financial department made very clear that they did not care. I was fortunate that my wife, bless her soul worked full time, and I was able to concentrate on school and do well. After signing up for school and receiving student loans I was left with a few thousand dollars in tuition I had to pay to the school in installments of 67.00 a month. Not that bad huh? So here comes the first bill and it came while on Christmas break from school, it was received on the 20th of December and was due on Christmas day, the first What the Hell?? So yes I payed it but shortly after Christmas on the 27th or 28th. Later on in attempts to stay on top of my bill with one income coming into the house, I was behind maybe three weeks, (with Christmas and all my wife did not get paid on time) even with talking directly with the financial lady who came to the school with call slips and would call you out of class in front of everyone to talk to her about the situation. Next I seen some students not coming to class only to find out that if you don't pay your bill on time you can be denied entry into class until your balance is caught up. Let's just say that a big percentage of your grade in class was participation points which meant showing up, another What the Hell??? So, when I finall finished school and my internship I was looking forward to graduation. My wife had since stopped working because she was a seasonal employee so time were a little tight. The week of my graduation which was scheduled for that friday, I caught up on my past due bill and paid 130.00. The week of the graduation no one called to let me know where it was, what time, what to do and what not, and i'm not the kind of person to track you down over this because of past behaviors when money is involved, so I let it go just wanting my peice of paper showing I graduated as a Culinary Arts Specialist. So after calling around to get my diploma I finally found out I was supposed to pay 134.00 not 130.00 so I was past due 4 bucks and if I did'nt call no one would have told me in order to get my diploma I had to pay that 4 dollars that kept me from graduation or even getting my diploma, What the Hell???? So in a nutshell, if you do go to culinary school go to culinary institute of america or le cordon bleu school but don't go to an institute of technology that offers culinary, great experience in classroom bad business relations.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This site is dedicated to the love of food in any way, shape or form. All cultural backgrounds, grandma's recipes and the ones that were puposeful or accidental that made you say mmm...that's good! I just finished culinary school with a diploma in culinary arts, and love food and everything that it involves, from new gadgets, ingredients, and techniques, to beer and drink pairings that go well together, and also the people involved in sharing good food and drink. This is a site to make new friends, ask for help with recipes and anything else foody, and share recipes and experiences with one another. As a new chef i'm sure i'll ask for help sometimes and also be able to help, and also have a place to get these constant ideas for new recipes and techniques in cooking. I'm a married husband of a five year old girl, with a boy on the way in the next few months. I love to flyfish and tie my own flies, the outdoors and fishing is the only thing close to my passion for food. So, that said let's have fun and make new friends and create and share food that will make us say MMMM...THAT'S GOOD!